Friday, October 28, 2011

Four Elements

Iodine (I)
Krypton (Kr)
Selenium (Se)
Germanium (Ge)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Composition Of Neon Lights

Neon lights are tubes filled with gas, with an electric current running through them. The electric current excites the electrons in the gas to produce the bright light that you see. Neon, in particular, gives off a bright glow. "Neon" lights aren't actually made of only neon. These lights use the noble gasses: argon, helium, xenon, and krypton. The only noble gas not used is radon. This is what neon light is made of.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Recycling Factory

Dear Mr. Smith,
I have come up with a solution to separate the recycleable materials, which are aluminum, steel, plastic from milk jugs, and plastic from soda bottles. Here are the steps:
1st load all the materials onto a long conveyor belt. Next use the powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt to pick up the steel. That will seperate the steel. Next put everything else in the large tank that will be filled up with sugar water with a density of 1.5 g/cm^3. The aluminum should sink to the bottom because it has a higher density than the sugar water. The plastics from the milk jugs and soda bottles should float to the top. Use the nets to scoop up the aluminum from the bottom. Heat the water to evaporate it and get the plastics from the milk jugs and soda bottles by themselves. Put them in the large tank filled with water. The plastic from the soda bottles should sink to the bottom because it has a higher density than the water. Collect that from the bottom of the tank with the nets and put it aside. Next use the nets to get the plastics from the milk jugs, which are floating, from the top. That is how you separate the materials.
Tom Chemmalakuzhy

Friday, September 2, 2011

Why Chemistry is the most important science?

Chemistry is the scientific study of matter and how it reacts with other matter. It is the most important science because it effects people's lives everyday. Without chemistry you wouldn't be able to do basic things such as brushing your teeth or using shampoo. Cooking and cleaning would also be difficult tasks without chemistry.